Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Over a year....playing catch up...May 2015

It's been over a year since I updated. Wow. Time really does fly when you are having fun. My birthday was had, recently....almost to the end of my 40's, and blazing forward to see what happens next, being grateful for all I have. The last year has been pretty incredible. I have a bunch of travel stuff to catch up on. That's kind of a given. Heck, just this quarter has been amazing!

Last time I posted here was May 11, 2015....let's go over some highlights since then...

  • In late May of last year, had a somewhat dream come true. I am a Black Rock Ranger. I also participate at the Morris Burner Hotel,and have created a Ranger-like group there called the Morris Guardians. We got to have a Ranger training at the Morris. It was worlds colliding in all the right ways.

  •  Then, later that month, I got to have more Ranger goodness, by participating with a great group of people who train the Rangers. They had a retreat and I was invited and it was amazing and a great time with great people. There was camping and bacon and learnin' and a turkey who I both loved and felt guilt over every time I passed him, knowing he was bound for a Thanksgiving table...I thought he was very cute.

  • Then through the amazing technology of modern 3-D ultrasound, I got to experience my future grandson

  • And a birthday. There was a tap show at the Eldorado, similar to a "Stomp" type thing, and I wanted to go, with my girlfriends, for my birthday. It was very cool, and I felt very loved. Hooray for sisterhood! 
  • Then, I got to take family and grand daughter to experience the joy of Sesame Street Live! as a patron and not the person in charge of ALL THE THINGS. This has been an on-going healing process in my quest to come to peace and reconcile the good and bad experienced while I was at Lawlor. Seeing the wonder if childhood in the eyes of a little is a truly amazing experience.

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