
My name is Danielle.

Or Gemini

I've been called many things, not all of them are nice.

I am college educated, of which I am proud.

I am a compulsive volunteer.

I never thought of myself as being traditionally creative, but I am trying to get better at that.

I sometimes feel like I lived my life in a different order than a lot of people have. I grew up way too fast, never enjoyed being a kid much, took care of people for most of my childhood, early adulthood, later adulthood, and in many ways, still do take care of people, but also feel it's now time to take care of myself, see the things I want to see, and do the things I want to do.

I take my repsonsibilities very seriously, sometimes I take myself too seriously.

I like to help people, I like technology and what it can do for you, to help you, and yet realize that too great a dependency on it can be as harmful as it's initial creation has been a huge developmental leap in many aspects for humankind.

I think technology should be demystified and I am very interested in showing non-profit and small businesses how they can use technology to help their businesses. It doesn't have to be hard and it doesn't have to cost a fortune.

I am a perpetual student.

I live in Reno, I was born and raised there, left for about eight years to live in the great Northwest, then moved back. Part of my soul still lives in the Northwest.

I have two children and am married to a wonderful man.

I love.

I am infinitely curious and if I ever won the lottery, I would try to give as much away to a school as possible if they would just let me take anything I wanted and get as many degrees as I could, until I got bored =)

I like to play with fire.

I like to dance, and bellydancing is my favorite.

I want to travel and am making this dream come true, slowly but surely.

If you want to know anything else, ask, but make sure you want to know the answer because I won't lie =)

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