MY Burning Man...

2011 Burning Man, photo by Kelley Leedy
Burning Man is a huge part of my life. I began going in 2001, and there is no favorite year because they are ALL my favorite year when they happen. They are each encompassed of their own unique experiences and it seems unfair and/or confusing for me to compare them. It seems sort of like someone asking you which if your children you love best. One cannot make a decision like that!

At any rate, I think I've documented most of them, and here is where that information will live, now. I have a friend who does this, and I admire reading his "Lessons from the Playa" each year. In 2003, I became a Black Rock Ranger. Because of that, I have had unique and interesting experiences, some of which I need to be cautious who I share them with. Therefore, if you come across a post that is password protected and you know me, or know of me, please email me at gemini (at) rangers (dot) org and I'd be happy to provide the password for you. However, I'd like to know who's reading, and that someone isn't just trolling my words for sensationalism or other nefarious ends.

"Everyone is beautiful", which is what my daughter came away with the first time she went to Burning Man when she was 15. Thinking of that still makes me cry. It's transformative. If you have to ask to see my pictures, you likely wouldn't get it =) You should go. Unless you think it's just a hippy drug-fest. Then, don't go, stay home in your box...the rest of us will have fun without you =) 

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

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