
11-17-2023 - Update

Man, what a difference several years makes. I think I was last updating this around 2014-2015, maybe 2018 timeframe. The life I have today, and my close relationships bear little resemblance to what they were the last time I was writing here.

In 2022, I experienced an estrangement from my daughter. It was very much building for a long time. I regret that I didn't see that our relationship was in trouble before it sort of exploded. We co-housed and I thought we had a close relationship. I've come to realize that my perception of that close relationship was a myth. Maybe I didn't want to see what was happening, but it happened. I wish her and her family nothing but the best, I will always love them. They aren't really a part of my life anymore. In July of this year (2023), she, her husband, and their three kids left Nevada and moved across country to Kentucky. They recently bought a house. I am so very happy for them and wish them nothing but the best. 

My son, also lives in Kentucky. I adore him so much. He's been such a lifesaver for me the last year or so. We went some time without talking, but it had to do with each of us living our lives, no angst or anything bad. He has two children. I love them all, all my grand babies. 

Now, my life is quiet. I am putting money, love, and energy into my house. My husband and I lead a peaceful existence. Life is very much more about family of choice, travel, getting ready for retirement and cleaning up my life so no one has to deal with it when I'm gone. 

That family of choice, though. Here's a recent picture.



There are aspects of my family that are very important to me. My immediate family means the world to me. My mom was my best friend in the whole wide world. Words cannot adequately describe what she meant to me, or how much I miss her. She was amazing and everything I ever hoped to be I thank her for. Here's a video I made for my mom after she passed away:

There are other aspects of my family that, sadly, I have lost touch with. This is for a couple of reasons. 1) There are some elements of my family that blame me for my moms death. I don't have a lot to say about that because those folks weren't there, and they don't know what happened or went on. 2) There are some elements that because of years, time, distance, and the distraction that comes with having a family of one's own, I have lost touch with them.

To the haters of #1, I am not sure what to say. Part of me wants to call you ignorant for judging things you can't possibly know about. I was there and I know what happened. In general, though, I think life is too short to stay mad at, hate, or have ill feelings towards people one shares blood with, so if those people ever come across this website and want to talk, please contact me. If you don't, that's fine too, I don't need negativity in my life, but I generally don't turn my back on family.

If you are a member of #2 and I've lost touch with you, I'd love to get back in touch again. A little while ago, I bought a genealogy program. I am very interested in this, and in trying to find out about the history of my family. I know there is Irish, Native American, and Spaniard in my line. Because my parents were older when they had me and many of those who knew anything about my family have passed, this might be a mystery that I never get to solve, but I am going to try.

I will post more information here as I discover or dig it up.

I am going to start out allowing comments on this page and if the spam gets too bad, I will add contact information.

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