Thursday, June 30, 2011

Home from the UK...

I am home from Scotland, and Ireland.

And I must hit the ground running, as the next several weeks will be very, very busy.

This coming weekend, there's the Playa ROM to attend. Because of other stuff that has been happening, it wasn't possible to attend an earlier ROM, so this will be a good opportunity for Ranger training, we've affectionately dubbed this weekend also as meeting man, and to see good friends not seen for a year.

I will confess that I am actually writing this on October 20, 2011. I left a book mark here for myself because there was lots I wanted to record, not sure if I will remember all of it now....

I remember feeling surreal when I got back. I was glad to be home, to eat familiar food, do familiar things, but also felt my soul and heart screaming NOOOOOOOO! IT CAN'T BE OVER!!!! A very real part of me wanted it to go on forever. I lived a lot inside my head, and that's okay with me. I wanted to imagine and experience what it was like or would have been like. I know with the logical part of my brain that where I live has certainly existed the same amount of time as the UK, but it doesn't have the same sense of history. This hardly ever bothers me, but I appreciate having gotten to see that history, those castles, and experience being there.

After Playa-ROM weekend, the following weekend is my son's wedding. If he had asked me "what's the absolute worst weekend we could have this wedding?" I would have said THAT weekend, but it is what it is and that's when it's happening. Since I am writing this after the fact, it all worked out fine, but there was not a minimal amount of stress in trying to figure this all out. As the parents of the groom, we are, traditionally, to be responsible for travel arrangements for visiting relatives and the rehearsal dinner. Perhaps you haven't noticed, but I am NOT a traditional person! I don't know how to do these things!! Lucky for me, someone, somewhere seemed to sense this, and I didn't have to do any travel arrangements. I think in this sense, I am TOO American. I can't imagine making arrangements for someone else. What an intrusion into someone else's life! I would NEVER presume to know where someone would want to stay, how much they would want to spend, what their requirements are....that whole thing just felt extremely foreign to me because I live my life being radically self-reliant and probably arrogantly so, assuming other people are also.

Two weeks after the wedding is Compression, the fire festival now in it's fourth year.

If I remember correctly, I put this post here to document mi vida loca!


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