Thursday, June 16, 2011

6-16-2011 - Dublin, Day Two

Let me start off by saying, day two was epic. Very, very epic.

We got into the rooms later on day one. I don't honestly remember if I took the pics of my room the morning of day two or later in the day of day one, but I will say that this was my absolute favorite hotel of anywhere I stayed during the trip.

I swear, the Trinity didn't pay me to say any of this, I just really had a lovely time there, and I hope they know it!

Dublin is a party town and they are very, very good at it =) We mostly wandered around the shops and area around the Temple Bar area. As we were coming down the street, a young man was addressing a crowd in a street, he was above on the corner of a building. He said to the crowd "Now, ya all know how ya should be behavin'. So I'm hear to tell ye, if you don't behave like proper adults on this pub crawl, I'm leavin' ya for dead in the gutter!" We passed on that titillating offer to join the pub crawl...heh.

This was a great place to be. A couple of funny things...first, we went to several places where they had live music, but oddly, until the end of the night, we heard NO IRISH MUSIC! It was all American ballads! We were in one pub where I swear my ears were going to start bleeding because the guy played every third song Richard Marx. WTF?!?

When I mentioned later that night that the Irish seemed to have a love affair with American music, the artist we were listening to was covering a Van Morrison tune. He looked at me with a smile and said "You realize Van Morrison is Irish right, lass?" Huh, who knew?

The other memorable quote of the night came when we were asked to leave the pub. I was anxious to go and kept pulling Rachel because I didn't want to get in trouble. One of the guys we were hanging with came and put his arm around me and said "Ahhh, Lass, have ye learned nothin' since ye've been in Ireland? When they go to close the pub, it's reeaaaally more of a process. Ye move to the next landing and keep drinkin' until they get serious about ye leaving there, but ye have at least half an hour to finish your drink." Classic.


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