Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6-15-11 Dublin, Day one, part deux

Okay, so, I figured a few things out:
  • Jet lag sucks. Adjusting time zones is interesting =)

  • I think I am in love with this hotel. Funky, eclectic, oh man. I like it a lot.

  • Beer is good =)

  • Dinner crew, night one =)

    Salmon, VERY delicious!

    Bailey's cheese cake. Need I say more?! Food Porn!

    LOVED this area! Temple bar district and street

    The Temple Bar

    Street signs in Dublin, my first taste of Gaelic!

    Dude played like FOUR Richard Marx songs...and CCR, and Hotel California, surreal!

    mmmm......Bulmer' new favorite

    Crew at the pub the first night.

    Cool metal sculpture found encountered on the walk back to the hotel.

    And a few important technology notes.....figured out how to charge everything, which was a huge relief!

    The people in Ireland are asked three or four times yesterday if I needed help, knew where I was going, etc. I am not sure whether or not to feel warm and fuzzy or offended that I obviously look very clueless walking around Dublin clutching my free tourist map =)

    Irish pub goers and others REALLY like American classic rock! And seriously?!? Richard Marx? wow!

    Who knew the currency of choice in Dublin would be the Euro?

    Tis a new day....and new adventures!


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