Friday, November 5, 2010

gender politics...

before i go further let me just say that while pursuing my college degree, i got a minor in women's studies, so gender politics and such have always interested me and been absolutely fascinating to me.

so, in examining what's been happening in the world lately, we recently celebrated national "coming out" day (October 11th in the US and October 12 in the UK). sort of on the heels of that, in my mind, is the recent campaign by some media outlets championing the "it gets better" campaign, after a rash of suicides from young people who were either bullied or victimized because of their sexuality or something about them in general, often the perception or actuality that they are gay. honestly, people, who cares? at any rate, here are a couple of recent really awesome thoughts on the subject....

this was posted to the "women of khaki" email list, which is a list who's members are all female black rock rangers, and it's a blog about a mom who got some serious crap because her five year old son wanted to be Daphne for Halloween:

The second thing are two videos that I very much admire for the message they send as part of the "it gets better" campaign. Tim Gunn of Project Runway fame, and President Obama. I am sure there are other admirable videos, these are just two that struck me.

Tim Gunn:

President Obama:


I love that this is an issue that people like our president and prominent public figures feel is important enough to create public service announcements for. It's stuff like this that gives me hope.


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