Friday, November 19, 2010

i am the biggest nerd ever...

i've always been a geek. there, i said it.

over a year ago, i don't even remember where i heard about it from, but i saw or someone mentioned to me this awesome awesome new video by someone who i perceive as an independent artist, who had a really cool video out:


now, can i just say....i love this video. if you've never seen it, please go watch it. it's worth it, i swear, i will wait....

back? okay, good. i work attached to a marketing department, although i sort of consider myself the geek attached to all these creative geniuses. i have spent a lot of my life contemplating largely useless things. things like color, colors by themselves and in combination, color creation, composition, space, how to create positive and negative space, how we interact with our world, one-two-and-three dimensional space, things like that. many people have, and many people have just a little too much time on their hands. that would be me, apparently. i also love how technology adds to this mix and how innovative, creative and awesome mixed-media stuff can be.

so, i've had this video saved on youtube for over a year. occasionally with youtube, one must go through and clean out their stuff, because some stuff you had bookmarked or saved violated someone's copyright, causing the dreaded infringement, so videos have been removed, or moved into a category called vevo where youtube can make you watch a commercial for each video you want to see. LAME...but that's another talk for another watching this video again, near the end, there's a little red bubble that says "watch 'Her Morning Elegance' behind the scenes", and it's a hyperlink, so i click on it:


turns out, once the video was made and got a lot of attention for it's ingenuity, those taking the original still photographs broke down the video again into its component parts of 2096 individual photographs. now, they are selling them, only one copy of each photograph will be sold world wide. this speaks to me on so very many levels! it makes my little geek heart go squeeee! now, i have no idea if i will be able to come up with $250 for a single art print. as art goes, that's not overly expensive, but when yer a poor brown girl just trying to keep her house some days and saving for world domination travel, i don't know. but....i will pick one out, and keep my eye on it. perhaps the fates will smile upon me and i will end up with one.

how small our world has become that people in all different parts of the world can own a piece of this amazing, innovative video. i SO want to own a piece of this historical undertaking! here's a link to the site that's organizing it: Her Morning Elegance Gallery (link opens in new window).

yeah, i know.

i've reached new levels of geek.

and i'm okay with that.

peace, and happy friday, next week is thanksgiving, what are you thankful for?!?

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