Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Times, they are a changing....

So, it's been forever since I posted here. For a few years, I had another blog, on my "own" domain, and I would update there once or twice a year, not often enough. Thing is, I've been paying for this service, and it's a cool service, but a long time ago, this service offered "lifetime web hosting". Now, I was skeptical, but truth be told, it was only $299 and I figured if we got five years out of it, we would have gotten more than our money's worth. It's been almost a decade and we are still there. When I made the arrangement, I told these folks that it was for a non-profit and said non-profit did not have a lot of money. They seemed eager to help. However, over the last year, it seems to me they've put this "free" or "lifetime" domain on the slowest, crappiest server there is. My paid for domain works great. You know that old saying about, "how you treat the person who can do nothing for you says a lot about your character"? That's kind of how I feel about this, and so I don't think I'm going to pay the domain registration this year. I am going to put my money elsewhere and not support a business that didn't do a great job of supporting me. Here's what I think of that:
Now, funny thing, this picture was actually taken to signify my reaction to drinking this "super greens" drink you see beside me. While I am sure it was super good for me, the taste was a little less than palatable. Ha. So, the point of all this is that I think I am going to migrate all the old posts over and put them here. This is free, it's still here, and not giving my money to someone who doesn't deserve it. That's it. Peace out!

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