Sunday, July 13, 2014


today, i seem to have waken up on the wrong side of the bed. things that don’t normally bother me, have bothered me today, things that don’t generally annoy me, have been annoying me. that seems like a great time for me to update here, let everyone know what’s happening, and remember all the things i should be grateful for and right now, there’s plenty.

first and foremost, on june 20th of this year, i left my employment at lawlor events center. it’s so amazing how much can change in two years! i will never, ever be sorry for the experience that i had there, but long term, it wasn’t the right place for me. when i was out on leave with my knee surgery last october, it was during that time that i decided i needed to be some place else. it was a really hard process for me to go through, and i learned a lot. i did a lot of self-examination, because i’ve never really quit anything in my life and i kept thinking that leaving lawlor would be an admission of some sort of failure. what i realized is that isn’t the case. being ABLE to do something isn’t the same as CHOOSING to do it. in the end, it wasn’t the right fit for me.

that’s such a very small piece of what’s happened in the last few months though…. also as a result of that injury, surgery, and resultant stuff that goes along with it, around march or april, i was ordered by the state to go and see a state-sanctioned doctor.

i went because they told me they had to. as a result of that, i got a settlement for a fair amount of money. not a huge amount, but enough that in thinking about what to do with it, this had been the year i was supposed to go and visit my son, chris.

after talking it over with dan, he wanted to do some yard and hottub work with his portion, but he said i should still go to germany… i talked to the kids, and they seemed pretty excited too.

i told them that it didn’t matter to me all that much what we did, as long as we were together, i was sure we’d have fun. then came the task of asking for the time off…always a stressful and interesting experience, but in the end, it was granted, which is all that matters.

i ended up going to germany for about 12 days all told, and we managed a lot of miles, four countries, and seven castles! IT. WAS. AMAZING.

i am going to end this post here, start the germany posts, and then continue. not sure how long it might take me to catch-up, but i will try to get ‘er done now that stress doesn’t rule my life. today, i am grateful for EVERYTHING!

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