Thursday, October 23, 2008


today, i am tired.

it's a long week, which i knew was going to happen, but now that it's here, boy is it long.

there is cool and interesting stuff happening in my life.

on tuesday, i began taking a welding class. this man who teaches this class is very awesome. a couple of people i know through the fire group have taken classes from him, and i went to speak to his class last year about participating in our fire arts festival. as it turned out, he didn't actually end up participating in the festival, but it was cool to talk to him, and there's something very primal about metal sculpture that appeals to me. so, some other friends from the fire group and myself decided to take the class. the class is called welding for art. although being with friends was the impetus to my follow through, i've wanted to take the class for awhile. the assignment this semester is to be instructed on oxacetalyne torch useage without supervision to create a non-representational metal sculpture. that makes me tingle just to think about. raaawr. i can't wait. i have class again tonight, at which i am hoping to remain embarassment-free from falling asleept due to pure exhaustion. i can do it! also, now i get to go and buy cool welding shit. i am going to own me some carhart overalls probably, and a welding shield with both a clear face plate and a #5 tint that folds down in the front, leather gloves, and a groovy half-bill welding hat and leather boots. it will be hawt. there might have to be a picture posted at some point if i can contain all this hawtness. heh. he said our sculptures could be functional as long as it remained non-representational....which means i can try to make it spit fire =) that might be too much to take on in sevent and a half weeks, not considering myself traditionally creative, but we will see. there will be welding and fire in my life at some point soon =)

yesterday, i worked half a day, then went and picked up a girlfriend, we ate a quick lunch, then drove to sacramento. she had another friend she was supposed to meet to attend a tina turner concert and this friend couldn't go at the last minute, so she invited me. she had already paid for the ticket, so if i drove and bought dinner, she said we'd call it even. sounded like a helluva deal to me =) we did a decent amount of shopping, we saw the venue for our show this weekend, i showed her the hotel, and then we headed to old town for more shopping. there's a really awesome costume shop down there that has lots of cool stuff. it's called evangeline's, which always gives me a little thrill because that's my mommy's name.

we ate at this amazing place on the river called joe's crab shack, which i gather is some sort of chain. The food was pretty good, we split a bunch of appetizers so we could get more tastes of things. one of the things we had that was absolutely amazing was a pomegranate mojito. that was all kinds of minty goodness. when we came out of the bathroom, there was this cute dancy song on, and all the employees were lined up and boogying, it was very cute and there was this delicious morsel of a bald man getting his groove on. i tried to order one of those in extra large, but they wouldn't let me. damn. nice eye-candy though. mmm mmmm.

this made us sort of late to the concert, but that seemed to be okay, at least half the rest of the people were late too, so we actually ended up being right on time =) tina turner was pretty amazing. i had a teary moment during "what's love got to do with it" because my mom loved that song. it just sort of hit me, but didn't last long. she would have also liked the concert. it was interesting. there was lots of dancing and lots of theatre in the production. she had some cool stage props, there was fire (yay!) and elevated platforms and even a crane that swung ms. tina out into the audience. not sure i would have initiated the $120 to go on my own, but it was a good opportunity and i am glad that i had the chance to take it. we did lose my car after the show, but approximately 1/4 of the rest of the people were in the same boat. everyone kept pressing their panic buttons on thier key clicker thingies to try to find which car belonged to whom. it was funny. the ONLY down side is that we didn't get home until 2am. four hours sleep is not enough!

but, today i am content, looking forward to more welding class, and thankful as ever that my life is what it is.


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