Thursday, October 23, 2008

monday musings...

written 10/20/08

last thursday, i got an article in the paper that is pretty cool. opens in new window)

then, i had a great weekend.

friday, the fire group performed for the college homecoming. i had to ask if there was a special paper that i had to sign because they made everyone sign a "hold harmless" piece of paper saying none of us were employed by the university and if we got hurt spinning fire on university property, that we would not sue them or file a workers compensation claim. except i do work for the university. what a sad and litigious society we live in where that's a standard operating procedure. no, i didn't have to sign an extra form, and the telling of it made me giggle because they asked if i encountered or was expected to fire spin as part of my normal job functions, because that would be different, ya know. ummm, no. mild mannered database geek by day, fiery dancing goddess by night, yep that's me. heh. we had been asked to carry the torch into the bonfire circle and to light the bonfire. this was a big honor because in years past, it has always been done by the fire department themselves. i wonder if they were secretly pleased, or if they were secretly disappointed? i was proud the my fire group has enough "educated" people that we were able to send seven people to do this torch thing, myself included, who were all alum's or at least one degree from this university. we were very dramatic and hoped they would play the "chariots of fire" theme song as we jogged along, but kids these days...they probably don't even know what that is....we didn't get the music, so we made our own. it's probably a good thing no one was in hearing distance of our flight to fire, none of us can sing very well or make that "chhhhh" sound like on the song. it's funny that that sound is considered very inspirational and positive in that context, but the same sound in a "halloween" context denotes creepy psycho-killer people names jason. see, context really is everything =)

saturday evening was the local burning man decompression party. i was to organize our ranger presence, and i probably should or could have done a better job of it, but luckily everything went very well. the party was was our largest yet, and this one was "official". this means that a portion of our proceeds went to the black rock arts foundation who continue to fund burning man and non-burning man art around the world.

there were enough rangers and aside from the usual battery of drunks, silly people indulging too much and then falling down, and random weirdness, it was good. i got to spin some fire, and i did it in khaki, which was pretty cool to me. we generally wear black when fire spinning, and khaki when rangering so rangering and getting to spin in the same night was pretty cool. it's interesting to know so many people. it was actually a pretty neat arrangement. there was this one club that has a front room, and a back room. out the back door of this club is an alley, and we had the entire alley backed off, and there were burning man theme camps and art placed back there. there were several burn barrels and other incindiary and neon and large-ish art back there, and that's also where the fire spinning was. on the west end of the alley, there's another back door to another club. we also had that club as part of the large party, which was way cool. they have a super expensive sound system that's so bad ass when you stand in front of the bass sub-woofer thingies, you can feel the beat move your hair and reverberate in your solar plexus.

i was very son rangered with us and he did a good job. it was the first time i have brought him to a party and felt like he had an amazing time. he's a good boy and i am proud.

i had a strange experience. the back room of the one club was very crowded and very hot. there was a burlesque show going on, and many of the burlesque lovelies are my friends so i wanted to be there to support them. about an hour or two before, i had had a jaegar bomb to drink. for those who might not know, this is red bull and jaegermeister. very tasty, but energy drinks are bad for people who don't do that stuff often. i don't know if it was that or the fact that i had had some to drink and not really eaten much during the day, but standing in that crowd, i hit a serious wall. i started to feel very woozy and light-headed. i thought i might either throw up or pass out, so i had to get out of the crowd. i sat on a couch for a few moments and once i was sure i was not going to puke or pass out, i knew i needed air. i headed outside and needed to leave within half an hour of that. i think no more red bull for me, or at the very least, i will get the sugar free kind. i think plain old shots are safer, though. i don't know that it was the red bull, but that's all i can think of.

sunday continued the "lazy" theme. i had begun a pot of beans cooking saturday and they were well-cooked in the crock pot by sunday. so, i endeavored to make home-made pinto bean chili and then added some noodles later in the day for what our family calls "ghoulash". it was totally yummy, and we had made home made bread to go with it. that and more reading and a lot of laundry and chillaxin' was had on sunday.

this will be a busy week. tomorrow i start a welding class, which i am excited about. will try to write more this week.


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