Tuesday, May 24, 2011

World, meet Kilo!

when we thought we had lost fred, i got my phone and started to look on craiglist. there was something in my brain that said, "there's a cockatiel on craigslist that needs you, find it." i know this sounds crazy, but i swear i had that sense.

after we got fred back and lost olie, my heart hurt for awhile. it still hurts, but we needed to think of fred, who'd never been without another bird. he called for olie the entire way home and i told d that although i understood a need to mourn olie, for fred's sake, we needed to get another bird right away.

looking on craigslist on monday, i found the ad. it was listed saturday and advertised a male cockatiel needing a new home in carson. the person wanted a $100 rehoming fee, which is high. i contacted the person and asked if the price was negotiable at all, and they said to make an offer. i countered, asking if the bird came with cage and all trappings and the person said yes. i told them i didn't want the cage because we have those, and would they take $50 just for the bird. she said yes.

we drove to this strange trailer park in carson and stopped at this trailer that had several rabbit-warren-like outbuildings including chickens and we could hear a dog barking from a shed. she walked around the back of the house, saying she needed to get the bird. she brought kilo to us, with his/her favorite toy, and that was that.

i am writing this on june 7, and kilo has made his/her way into our hearts. we aren't sure yet whether or not the bird is a boy or a girl. some girl markings and behavior, but very beefy looking for a girl. time and a little violation to the bird will tell =)

this in no way replaces olie or what he was to us, but for fred's sanity we needed to make sure we had another bird. fred isn't 100% sure about kilo yet, but they are learning each other =)

peace, is back =)

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