Friday, May 13, 2011

finding whimsy...

i am craving a little whimsy in my life lately. of course, i will be getting ready to depart the country in a month, there will be whimsy there, but it really can't arrive soon enough for me.

sometimes life feels so staid. so boring. in some ways every day is the same, and then there are amazing and wonderful things that happen every day. but there's still a sameness to them. perhaps it's perspective that changes? the way we look at things? the way i look at things?

i had a great time last week, working a cirque du soleil show that was in my town. it was called quidam, and it was amazing. when i watch things like that, though, it's impossible not to know or feel how hard the performers have to work in order to maintain their bodies, their athleticism, their skill. if one has to work so hard to create whimsy, is it still whimsical for the performer? do you think? or does it become the same drudgery that many of us experience with daily routine. if your daily routine is whimsy, is it still that for you? i know that as a performer, sometimes it seems like drudgery to create beautiful things because it takes hard work. practice, diligence, DO IT AGAIN! i won't say it isn't worth it, but in bellydance, we often laugh at ourselves....

rehearse for six months, spend hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars on costumes, makeup, hair, tools, fuel, any number of things....hours getting read, preparing....and perform for twenty minutes. in bellydance, it's often even shorter than that. five minutes. fleeting. and yet freeing...getting to create magic and give that to someone else with what you do.

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