Tuesday, August 12, 2008

times, they are a changin'...

as i prepare to make my yearly pilgrimage to burning man, it occurs to me as the wheel of the year continues to turn, that life is all about change. things will never be again the way that they are, right now.

in five days, i leave. there is much to do, things to do to prepare, packing, cooking, shopping. there is a "mode" that one goes into when preparing. this will be a unique year in many ways.

life at home is changing, too. within a short time after returning home, my nephew will be getting ready to embark on the next phase of his life. he joined the army. this makes me happy that it might give him direction in his life, and it makes me afraid and worried about him. i am a pacifist, and the thought of him engaging in this war is scary and disgusting, but he needs something.

i am looking at a new phase of my life. i turned 40 this year. my kids, for all intents and purposes are grown. one still lives at home, one does not. now, i begin to focus inward, outward, learning and have been developing the things that i like, that i want to live for, that i want to put my energy towards. it's been a loooong time.

but travel is a huge part of that. next year, in 2009, i am going to try to do burning man and paris in the same year. we will see how that goes =) at this point, paris is not optional, it may just mean less time at burning man. this is forcing me to do several things. get my passport is one thing. stop hiding. if i have my passport, there's no excuse not to use it =) 2009 is paris, but who knows what the future brings?!?!

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