Tuesday, July 29, 2008

this past weekend...

was full of more interesting and exciting things.

friday night was a show by bassnectar that i went to. i had never seen him live before. he has beautiful long hair that he swung around while he was spinning. he threw down some awesome beats that had the entire audience hopping around on stage. is that the mark of a good dj? it's interesting to me to see the progression, and also see the difference between recorded stuff that gets sold, which to me seems more chill, or maybe it's just because i have it from a different stage in his progression, and the stuff he plays live which is very much seemingly focused on dancing. i hadn't seen him before and i am glad i went. it was a strange night. i got to meet a friends ex that i have heard a lot about over the last couple of years, but had never met him. i was also attacked by the glitter fairy, which is still causing my cats and family stress, and had an amazing hug that i actually felt like i was able to give something to someone friday night....share all the healing and positive energy i could muster in that hug. it was definitely felt =)

saturday i was double-booked, which caused me some stress. i had previously agreed to dance at the ghandi festival as part of artown, and then also agreed to do a fire gig for a cancer benefit in a neighboring town. the latest from the ghandifest said our sets were to be at 7:30 and 9:30, and the party bus/carpool was leaving for g-ville and the cancer benefit at 8. hrrrmmm. because i made the ghandi commitment first, i decided to do that. it seemed they had enough folks for the fire gig, so i don't think it was a big deal.

it was awesome to hang out with my dance sisters! i felt a little overwhelmed at the beginning of the summer and only showed for one or two of the summer classes, so this was the first time in a month i had seen many of them. have i mentioned lately how much i love and adore my dance sisters?!?! i do, i do, i heart them very much. i love dancing with them, it's very free, and i almost always learn stuff from them. i don't consider myself a very good girl, so i need all the help i can get! we showed up mid-afternoon to do a rehearsal, then were going to head to the ghandi fest. the rehearsal went well, despite my having to be reminded several times how the routines went, having focused on the faf for so long previously. not sure i got it 100% during rehearsal, but pretty sure i got it on stage. funny how you can make yourself do and remember stuff when it's important. i have to say that i am very glad that i took part in this. it was important for me philosophically. i wish more people would remember the commitment to non-violence that ghandi believed so strongly in. our world, and especially our country needs more of that!

we got to the river school, which is always awesome, and figured out where we would be dancing. turns out i probably could have made both gigs, we were only dancing the 7:30 set, but at this point, it seemed the most chill thing to do would be to take the relaxing way and just stick with ghandifest. the main fire folks would be fine without me.

the dance went fine. there were few of us, one had four people, the other five. it was fund and i always also enjoy watching asha dance. i heart all those girls, too. then one of the girls' husbands is a drummer and did this super cool drumming workshop. we had previously looked around the festival and knew there was yummy indian food to be had.

there were some aspect of our fire spinners there for a bit. it was very strange for me to see the spinners show up, setup, etc. and not be a part of it. it was sort of cool, but also just felt sort of...strange. they did a great job though, and then moved on to their next gig.

sunday was a lazy day. i watched some zombie movies with the kids, went to costco and did some shopping, and was generally pretty relaxed and useless =) got some things done for burning man, which felt good. i have a feeling this is going to be an intense weather year. this year, i think it's going to be all about the layers.

so that's my update, for now.

i have more to write about last night, but think i will make that it's own, separate post.



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