Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Vision, 2011

Photo by Elaine Noble

Last Sunday, I got to do one of my most favoritist things ever! For the past three years, on a Sunday early in the year, my friend Lauren gets together a group of women and we sit down and create Vision Boards

We meet, we bring a brunchy-type dish to share, we eat, we all bring magazines, and after the food, we converge on the stack of magazines and begin to cut out images, words, and concepts from the magazines assembled. The goal is to create a collage that's representative of what you wish to manifest in the next year. It's pretty amazing, and each year is different as there is always a slightly different group of ladies that participates... This years group was amazing, and I felt this year like there was a special energy between us all. A couple of years ago, I met this lady named Kim. Her manifestation goal, as an advocate of young adults, was to create a book that would help kids learn with practical knowledge things that they aren't often told before expecting to somehow intuit this information. This last year, her book was published and she was nice enough to gift me a copy. Here is her book:

Her website is here, and I haven't read the book yet, but I very much believe in the cause. We have all come to the conclusion that putting energy and revisiting and thinking constantly about what our goals are throughout the year is magickal and something that is worthwhile. This is absolutely true for me. Here are some more pics from this awesome and inspiring day:

Photo by Elaine Noble

Photo by Elaine Noble

Photo by Elaine Noble

I am so thankful for the quality of people I have in my life. On days like this, it is great to be me =)


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