Friday, December 3, 2010

thanksgiving, 2010

this was a good year. as mentioned in the last post, holidays leave a lingering tinge of sadness now, as the specter of missing mom is always in the back of my mind, but i guess i am beginning to feel like every successful and loving holiday we have pays homage and honors her because so much of what i am is attributable to her...

the kids came over...david and brianna, with their respective love interests. we had dave's lady annette and her two adorable littles, mathis and lindsey...and larry came over after dinner to visit. bri's friends flor and julio, and ashley were there, dan's friend chris, and joy and her man, mike. it was festive! here's photographic proof, photos taken by mike:

This was the BEST GRAVY EVER!! Seriously, that I'd ever made...

Bri Bri and her Larry

Getting the full on...

Funny thing is, he didn't really event eat. When Thanksgiving attacks =)

Gramma Joy. 'Nuff said =)

Bear Bear sitting ON Joy's phone...

Seesters, working together to make it all happen...


Joy getting funky with the taters.

Mashin' taters and makin' gravy

When Dave was little, if you asked him to smile for the camera, he smiled and closed his eyes, so a good pic could never be taken. History repeats itself =)

Bellied up to the table, in the midst of the feast.

The crew, lounging around and visiting before we ate.

My gorgeous turkey!

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