Wednesday, December 15, 2010

In Mourning...

some days are just like this, aren't they:

 the above photo is from the new AMC series "the walking dead". i'm here to tell you, this show is the best thing to hit TV in, like, forever. who can resist the zombie love?!? their first season just ended, and i have to say, it seems to me that seasons should be MUCH longer than six episodes. that's a season of what? a month and a half at one weekly? MORE! must have MORE zombies!!

this is my new favorite tv...and i heart it because of dvr, which largely also makes it commercial free. 

today, that is all.


Friday, December 3, 2010

thanksgiving, 2010

this was a good year. as mentioned in the last post, holidays leave a lingering tinge of sadness now, as the specter of missing mom is always in the back of my mind, but i guess i am beginning to feel like every successful and loving holiday we have pays homage and honors her because so much of what i am is attributable to her...

the kids came over...david and brianna, with their respective love interests. we had dave's lady annette and her two adorable littles, mathis and lindsey...and larry came over after dinner to visit. bri's friends flor and julio, and ashley were there, dan's friend chris, and joy and her man, mike. it was festive! here's photographic proof, photos taken by mike:

This was the BEST GRAVY EVER!! Seriously, that I'd ever made...

Bri Bri and her Larry

Getting the full on...

Funny thing is, he didn't really event eat. When Thanksgiving attacks =)

Gramma Joy. 'Nuff said =)

Bear Bear sitting ON Joy's phone...

Seesters, working together to make it all happen...


Joy getting funky with the taters.

Mashin' taters and makin' gravy

When Dave was little, if you asked him to smile for the camera, he smiled and closed his eyes, so a good pic could never be taken. History repeats itself =)

Bellied up to the table, in the midst of the feast.

The crew, lounging around and visiting before we ate.

My gorgeous turkey!

new technology... honey bought me a kindle.


that's what it looks like. i can't believe how tiny and thin it is. the fact that this little device can hold all my geek joy amazes me. truly. like, i can't believe how much it amazes me. you can debate the pros and cons of these sorts of reader devices, but in the end, they are all pretty much the same. kindle is somewhat proprietary, but there are ways around that. they require a small investment of time to convert files and figure out, but for an enterprising geek family like me and mine, it doesn't seem too bad.

there's some stuff i need to play with and learn about this kindle thingie, but i am excited, in general.

i've been saying for at least ten years that print books are a thing of the past. the joy and knowledge that comes from people WRITING books is something tangible that will arguably always exist, but the resources used in printing them, printing a specific run with no thought of how many will sell, and then reading the book once and then having to do something with it seems like an awful waste. this seems so much more efficient. now i wish textbook technology would catch up! purchase your kindle-education! and get all your books through that. huh....interesting thought =)

in other news, we have a new baby. dan can't conceive of having a bird not named fred, so this bird has been dubbed fred 2.0. here he is:

he is an amazingly sweet little baby. he's about four months old, and it's obviously a he. fred 1.0, we discovered posthumously, we believe might have been female. this guy has a really deep voice, and he's super smart. he seems to have picked up the sounds of many of the other birds he was with at the pet store. he doesn't make a lot of sounds yet, i think he's still figuring things out, but he makes me very happy. he's a total cuddler.

thanksgiving was last week, and the holidays still suck. i approach them now with a tinge of sadness, but no lingering ire. i cannot believe my mom's been gone almost four years. we fondly remembered her last thanksgiving while eating this year. "leg? what leg, i want some pie!"....sad, and yet, good memories.

i am going to post thanksgiving pics in their own entry.

peace out, yo.