Monday, May 4, 2009

New Endeavors...

It used to be that the internet was all about anonymity. Now, it seems like people are proud and loud and want other people to know who they are on the internet. Or maybe it’s that we’ve all gotten used to people being able to “Google” us and find out details about our lives. Maybe we now understand the true folly of “anonymity” and how obscure that can really be. Or maybe ego plays a part, and we each want a part of ourselves to linger…

After many years, many blogs, a lot of experience, and times, good and bad, this is my attempt to create something comprehensive about me, what I do, what I like, what I don’t, a place to catalog my rants, revel in my triumph’s and cry in my beer. =)

This theme is meaningful for me, right now, at this moment because in June, I embark on a trip to Paris, France, for my first trip out of the U.S. aside from Canada. No, I’ve never even been to Mexico. Everyone has to start somewhere, and this is my start. Look around, be amazed, dazzled, chagrined, mad, or ambivilant, but enjoy what you see here, it’s me =)


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