Friday, November 30, 2007

new inspiration, fresh start?

why is it that new blogs always make one want to post more? it's like, you have to rebuild everything in this new and interesting place. i have a number of other blogs, i don't post often in any of them, and yet, here i start yet another one and make two posts in two days. i suppose i could be considered fickle. eh. not sure i care.

today was a good day. i don't have to go to work for the next nine days and i am really, really happy about that. i get to go to austin texas next week. i've never been there and i am pretty excited about it. i spent all day today printing out places i'd like to see, maps from the hotel to those places, and how i am going to get there. we will see how it all works out.

i was seriously bummed because bellydancing class got canceled tonight. it spat snow for a little while this morning and looked pretty menacing, but didn't do much else with the flakey white stuff the rest of the day. it's continued to look like it might though, so i guess they didn't want people driving out to the community college with the potential out there. heh. maybe i will dance to some dvd's tonight, or just chill and take it easy.

i'd really like to buy a digital camera this weekend. we will see.

i think that's all for now.


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