Saturday, December 31, 2016

Living Life, 2016 a Year in Review!!

Oh my. I can’t believe that it’s been a year and a half, about, since I’ve updated this blog. My gosh, life just keeps keepin’ on. Life continues to be amazing, beautiful, and always an adventure. Most recent updates on life:

  • Cylus is now barreling towards his third birthday and he’s the most amazing little boy ever. I loved the baby he was, the toddler he is and can’t wait to see the boy he is becoming. 

  • Cylus has a baby sister! Ms. Aurora is over a year old and has been a joy to her mama, granny and pretty much everyone she comes in to contact with. She’s a super sweet baby, slightly crazy, and her own little person 
  • 2016 was an amazing year for me. Highlights include my daughter getting married (Feb 9th)
  • San Francisco Green Tortoise Hostel during Dan VA specialist trip, 
  • Traveled to Costa Rica for the second time (also Feb/Mar)
  • Grand daughter Vera turned 1 (March)
  • Steampunk Event at the Nugget
  • Eldorado dancers at the Mo and meeting Brooke
  • Going to my first Burning Man Global Leadership Conference (I had no idea)
  • Went to Seattle for Comicon, to see Mike (hospital), and stay in Seattle Green Tortoise Hostel, went to history of Horror film exhibit at the Experience Jimi Hendrix museum in Seattle, Mariner’s game
  • April saw the origin of Z Pack good times at the Mo, trip to the boat and playing hooky 
  • Weird Earth Day at the Mo followed by even more weird rage quit
  • Finding out about Aurora, 
  • Jazz Festival 
  • Hip hop show at the Mo! 
  • McQueen fundraiser at the Mo
  • Doors to Recovery and meeting Ariel
  • Villains party
  • Aces season tickets
  • Attended my first multi-regional summit
  • Nada Dada at the Mo
  • Pan poetry for meeee
  • Awesome Clint Jolly foody event at the Mo
  • 4th of July on the boat
  • Cylus’ first birthday and party
  • Compression and nieces and their friends
  • House sitting in Cold Springs for Chris
  • Hanging with the Kiwi’s at the Mo, 
  • The Full Monty
  • Becoming a BM Regional Contact!
  • Burning Man
  • Giant Bug Zapper Burn on the playa, 
  • Space Whale and octopus, 
  • David talk at the Mo
  • Food purge at the Mo post playa, 
  • Yoga fest with Brandon and Heather
  • Reconnecting with XS friends
  • Celtic Celebration 
  • 23 & me 
  • Reno Bites, 
  • The Wizbang thing 
  • Zombie Crawl at the Mo
  • DaVinci at the KC, 
  • The birth of Aurora
  • TLT tree from foraged materials
  • Geek Con
  • Kate Bush listening party at Tom’s, 
  • DISC training and assessment
  • Ally training 
  • Kow Bus!
  • Santa Crawl at the Mo. 
  • Cody in a box
  • Prime Rib Christmas
  • Scary Santa with grands and finally....
  • Picasso and wine, trees and 
  • Parts per Million. 
  • Whew!