Friday, March 18, 2011

le sigh

found at

life is busy.
life is hard.
it's been too long since i updated.
i have lots to say, but for now, this'll do pig, this'll do.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So Proud...

So, now that I've broken my posting strike/dry spell, whatever, now I thought of all the life-changing things that have happened over the last few months that I'd like to have recorded in my little online home here...

My son was in Afghanistan. He joined the Army a couple of years ago. God, I can't believe it's been a couple of years, now. It broke my heart when he joined. He loves it. I respect that, and respect that he is my contrary child. Mom a hippy? Join the Army. Mom a Pagan? Become a fundamentalist Christian. Yeah, that's how we've been. I've always told him his way is his to find, and I would support him, but I never have and cannot support the war. I respect he's trying to make his way. My largest fear for him was that he would come back damaged in a way that I could not help him with. While the likelihood of that happening, still, is good, I think he has a good enough foundation that he is okay. We are very different people, but I am very proud of the person he is.

He's attached to the 101st Airborne. I had never experienced an Army welcome home ceremony. I am glad I had the chance. Here's the first pic, after some tears and many hugs were given:

For a variety of reasons, a few days after he returned from Afghanistan, my son got married. This presented me with a unique opportunity. I have known the lady he loves for a few years now. They've had a rough go of it. They've broken up and had various other drama in their lives. But in the end, my son said he couldn't imagine a life without her, and I rejoiced.

This gave ME the opportunity to travel cross-country with her and spend some time, just her and I. We were to fly to Ohio for her to meet Chris' dad (which is another story I need to put down, another time), then the two of us would pick up Chris' truck, drive down to Tennessee, then Tom (dad) and his family would follow down so everyone could be there for the civil ceremony. There is a formal wedding in July.

I cannot express how precious a gift I was given in getting to spend time with this funny, beautiful young woman who is now a part of my family. We got along great, and I think I saw a small part of why my son loves her. She is easy-going but gets things done, intelligent, and fun to be around. We had to arrange everything before he got home, as he returned on a Friday, so one of the first things I got to say to him when we were all together was "Hey, you're getting married on Monday at 2pm okay?". It was Presidents Day. The Courthouse SHOULD NOT have been opened. A determined mother can move mountains apparently =) Who knew that Christian County, in Tennessee does not recognize President's Day as a holiday?!? So, I got to see my baby married.


She is a match for him! My son has a wife now. I have a daughter-in-law. He has now started his own family, of which he will be the center. I am happy for them. I wish them nothing but happiness. The entire experience for me, was beautiful.

Great memories.
