Friday, August 6, 2010

going, going gone....

that could be my brain, i'm not sure yet =) the summer has flow, and compression is done. i went in to this compression saying this would be my last one, and then it was the most successful i've done. and then politics got involved, which i don't want to muddy this post with, and things got ugly. as it stands now, i will do compression again. i will be a part of compression until people under 18 are legally allowed to practice the art of fire spinning at the festival. i've said to many people this year that one sure-fire way to make sure i do something until the end of time is to tell me that i can't. and here we are =) here's a slideshow of the festival that represents some favorite pictures of the day:

one of my favorite parts of the day were the amazing volunteers that showed up and gave their all for the festival, working only for food, water, our thanks, and a t-shirt:

so very much has changed. for the first time ever, i almost have empty next syndrome. my kids are gone, on their own, and dan's son, dan, is living with us. it's been a real joy getting to know him. he's a great kid. 

after 22 years, my husband is no longer attached to the army. i thought it was a really good thing and i was looking forward to it, but i had no idea it would create such internal strife for him. i feel for him, i wish there was more i could do, and at the same time, i know this is a path he must walk alone and something he must work through. it hasn't been easy, though. i meditate constantly for patience and fortitude to get through these times. 

my sis, my friend, no longer lives with us. in the end, i think it was a good thing for her. she was in a serious rut. she's on the playa now and i am not, but i think that's amazing and good. i am sometimes lonely right now. 

we also got through our first teaching experience with SEEDS. the very first was a short program we did for dilworth middle school, then we did our two week summer institute. both were amazing and made me feel humbled, jaded but also made me have hope and warmed my heart that i could share the dance i love with others. there are pictures that should be added here, but time is of the essence, so they won't be, yet. 

i am not sure i will get here again before the playa, i shall try. i try to fit everything in, and it's not working so good for me. 

i've also gotten another job, which should cut down a lot on all other activities except work. that should work great for both weight loss and spending/saving money. here's hoping. security guard here i come! 

my son went on his mid-deployment liberty to columbia and survived the experience. he says the time had was grand and one of the best times he remembers. he deserves it after being in the desert for the time he has. it's best not to say more about that =) 

that's all for now, just a quick update. 
